
I’m sit­ting in the main room of Kedel­hallen watch­ing Thomas fid­dle with his lap­top. We’re ready to start reboot­ing. Yes­ter­day we arrived in the evening, quick­ly checked into the hotel and went into town for a bite. After a bur­ri­to at a dodgy latin tourist trap, we went over to a styl­ish cof­fee bar for some espres­so and sweets. 

Aso, I’ve giv­en my new IXUS 60 a spin yes­ter­day, and am very pleased with it’s per­for­mance. Lat­er I’ll start upload­ing some stuff to Flickr.

Pre­boot is done, let’s get reboot­ing. (Yay!)

Signals from the Leapfrog offices

Or in oth­er words, what I’ve been up to, besides keep­ing myself busy over at

  1. Reboot 8 is shap­ing up to be anoth­er great con­fer­ence. I’m already look­ing for­ward to see­ing Matt Webb and Chris Heath­cote speak, among oth­ers. I’m also still think­ing about doing some­thing myself, the ques­tion is: what? 
  2. While we’re on the top­ic of con­fer­ences, make sure you don’t miss The Web and Beyond — the 10th annu­al SIGCHI.NL event. I’ve been help­ing with the organ­i­sa­tion and must say it’s promis­ing to be an inter­est­ing look at the web 2.0 phe­nom­e­non from an inter­ac­tion design perspective. 
  3. I have a heap of arti­cles and posts lying around wait­ing to be fed to my account (I actu­al­ly read all that stuff before both­er­ing you with it). Now to just find the time to tag them all – to think this stuff is sup­posed to have a low cog­ni­tive load! 
  4. Right after vis­it­ing Reboot 8 I’ll be off to beau­ti­ful Italy for some much need­ed R&R. Be sure to keep an eye on my Flickr pho­to­stream for slight­ly crap­py cam­er­a­phone shots of Napels, Rome, Flo­rence and Venice. Look­ing for­ward to that! 
  5. Final­ly, you may have won­dered about the “mar­tial arts enthu­si­ast” bit in this blog’s intro­duc­tion. Between all of the above I’m get­ting myself ready for some exam­i­na­tions in Take­da Ryu this sum­mer. When I get back from Vien­na, I hope to be a cer­ti­fied teacher’s assis­tant and sec­ond dan in Aiki­do. Wish me luck.
Now back to our reg­u­lar pro­gram­ming – death­ly silence while I get some more client work out the door.

Reboot 8 announced

Mark Wubben’s Flickr pho­to­stream has a shot of his iCal with Reboot 8 in it. Last year’s Reboot 7 was a blast – excel­lent speak­ers, low entry fee, nice loca­tion and above all a very relaxed atmos­phere. Jesse James Gar­rett and Bruce Ster­ling are con­firmed speak­ers, worth the admis­sion alone methinks. I’m already look­ing for­ward to attend­ing this year’s “Roskilde of the inter­net” will you join me?

Screens in train – again

Nou, ein­delijk die WiFi van de NS kun­nen testen. En hij werkt best aardig (op de spo­radis­che time out na). Gelijk een dilem­ma op Plazes. Hoe geo­t­ag je een bewe­gend object? Beet­je jam­mer dat ze het alleen niet voor elka­ar kri­j­gen de juiste reis­in­for­matie op de scher­men te kri­j­gen. Op weg naar Den Bosch is vol­gens de NS de vol­gende halte Ams­ter­dam Cen­traal, tot grote ver­war­ring van menig reiziger…

NStv testtrein

56,7 km of snowy hell

56,7 km of snowy hell Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Kaeru.

Last night I had to get from Den Bosch to Utrecht. Pub­lic trans­port decid­ed to break down, we had a crazy snow storm, and the longest traf­fic jam total in Dutch his­to­ry (over 800 km at it’s height). My only option: take a taxi. Togeth­er with a south kore­an busi­ness man, who’d already missed his flight four times, I was in traf­fic for over three hours over a trip that’s less than 60 kms long. Crazy, crazy stuff! Here’s some shots of a snowy A2.

Off to Euro IA Summit

Today, I’m off to Brus­sels for the first Euro­pean IA Sum­mit. The pro­gram looks inter­est­ing, and there’s plen­ty of Dutch IA’s going, so it should be fun. I’m also pre­sent­ing a poster and am very curi­ous about how peo­ple will react to it!

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