My blog is worth $1,693.62.
How much is your blog worth?
Funny little calculator to determine the worth of your blog. Apparently based on the Weblogs Inc. — AOL deal.
Via Ben Metcalfe.
Technorati: blogging, technorati, business
My blog is worth $1,693.62.
How much is your blog worth?
Funny little calculator to determine the worth of your blog. Apparently based on the Weblogs Inc. — AOL deal.
Via Ben Metcalfe.
Technorati: blogging, technorati, business
There’s plenty of photos of the sky on Flickr, but lets be honest — skies and clouds are just so pretty, and the Dutch skies are the prettiest of all.
Tom thought the same, so he’s started a group called ‘Hollandse Luchten’ — Dutch Skies.
Here’s my first contribution.
Updated to correct some typos.
Our poster presentation at the Euro IA Summit was a lot of fun. We had some good spirited discussion on our concept of Landing Pages. If you’re interested, have a look at the poster here (A4 PDF, 420 KB), or have a look at the shot on Flickr…
Technorati: Euro IA 2005, Landing Pages
Here’s my notes from Andrew Dillon’s keynote at the Euro IA Summit:
Big IA has a future; little IA does not.
Geen IA vs. UX – niet jezelf definiëren aan de hand van wat je niet bent.
Data is stored, information is experienced.
Design to leverage natural tendencies. Dingen hoeven niet direct bruikbaar te zijn.
Web 2.0: van iets wat gemaakt is, naar iets wat je zelf maakt…
User: from recipient to participant, co-owner and co-designer.
User Human.
UX design – niet: this is how I like it.
Weg bewegen van craft-based werk, geen consistente kwaliteit, geen systematiek in werk, weinig vooruitgang, bedreigd door snelle veranderingen in omgeving.
Ambiguity has it’s merits. You don’t have to strictly define it (IA).
No more heroes, some people may even think Jakob Nielsen’s a liability…
Organisation, curation and interaction of information.
Curation is a problem.
The architectures are our theories.
Findability is the new usability – but where’s the architecture in that?
Beyond navigation: patterning, wrapping, anchoring, emergent structure.
‘Virus of the mind’; information breeds.
Cohill, 1991, information architecture & the design project – IA as a new kind of project manager.
Real design: respect experience – augment life.
Usability is a design value, like accessibility.
Technorati: Euro IA Summit 2005, IA, Information Architecture, IA Summit, Euro IA 2005
Today, I’m off to Brussels for the first European IA Summit. The program looks interesting, and there’s plenty of Dutch IA’s going, so it should be fun. I’m also presenting a poster and am very curious about how people will react to it!
Technorati: Euro IA Summit 2005, IA, Information Architecture, IA Summit, Euro IA 2005
Via QOOP kun je boeken bestellen van Flickr foto’s — en ze bezorgen wereldwijd! Heb al zitten spelen met de settings, nu nog een leuke set kiezen voor een test-boek.
If you’re into weird electronica and / or jazz, make sure you check out Dijf Sanders’ new album ‘To Be A Bob’. It’ll be out on Clone Records later this year, but you can listen to it now at 3voor12’s Luisterpaal.
Thanks to Bart for the heads up!
Technorati: music, jazz, electronica, Dijf Sanders
Holy crap! I just came across this link on the Sigia‑l list. The demo movie of this two-handed interface for the PC is amazing! Hard to describe, have a look for yourself.
Technorati: Tactiva, interface, interaction, TactaPad
While I was still waiting for FeedLounge to launch and release me from the agony that is Bloglines’ user experience — Google launches their Reader. I quickly imported my feeds, and am toying with it now. At first sight, their interface encourages quick browsing of new entries. I’m still not sure about how easy it is to label specific feeds though…