Mobile gaming directions

Yes­ter­day we had anoth­er fun and inter­est­ing IA Cock­tail Hour. Thanks to the kind folk at Media Cat­a­lyst for the hos­pi­tal­i­ty and Olly and Boyd for their pre­sen­ta­tions. I thought I’d put up the slides of my short talk on where I think (non-con­sole) mobile gam­ing is or should be head­ed. I’ve added some notes, so there’s more than just pret­ty pic­tures to look at. If you have any thoughts to share, don’t hes­i­tate to do so!

links for 2006-06-29

links for 2006-06-24

My Wikipedia contrail

All the oth­er cool kids are doing it, so here’s my Wikipedia contrail:

Update: Review­ing the above list, I guess I have some explain­ing to do: all the angel-relat­ed stuff is due to me hav­ing spent too much time inside Ital­ian church­es, I’m look­ing for­ward to the DS Lite’s Euro­pean release, I’ve recent­ly checked out a this file-man­age­ment inter­face-demo and yes­ter­day I wrote a review of Suzuk­i’s Ringu-tril­o­gy (for which I used the Matryosh­ka-metaphor) .

Do this your­self? Type “” into your address bar and see what comes up…

links for 2006-06-22


Back by dope demand. Yes­ter­day I returned from my love­ly trip to Italy. Dirty clothes are in the laun­dro­mat, I’ve caught up on paper­work and e‑mail, now it’s time to start going through the huge amounts of pho­tos. Me and my girl­friend have man­aged to knock off the first few days, but I’ve got lit­er­al­ly thou­sands lying around (I know should­n’t have bought a new cam­era…) So it’ll take a while before we’ve gone through ’em all. In the mean time the first few are up. Here’s my favourite of the batch. 

A photo of the pantheon in Rome, Italy
