Well, I’m off to Barcelona for a long weekend. It’s been quiet around here for a while (apart from the automated bookmark posts). Perhaps when I get back I’ll be able to get back into the habit of posting more frequently. Back in 4.
Tag: vacation
My photos in Schmap’s Rome, Venice and Florence guides
Planning on making a trip to Rome, Venice or Florence? Check out the free digital travel guides from Schmap. The new editions contain some photos I took while vacationing there this spring. Schmap use Creative Commons-licensed photos from Flickr in their guides. They always politely ask for permission first even though strictly speaking they don’t have to. The guides are PC only but they’ve promised me Mac versions will follow shortly.
And yes, Edgar was there first.
Update: the nice people over at Schmap really love me. They’ve included this insanely great photo of the Cab Inn City hotel in their next Copenhagen guide.
Just now I finally finished tagging the last few photos taken in Venice. The whole set of Lieke’s and my vacation in Italy is now online. Total number of photos we ended up selecting is a whopping 411. You can start at the first new one since the previous update over here.
Plenty of pretty shots in this update, my favourite is probably this one:
K‑141 АПЛ Курск
Sometimes you learn something strange while tagging vacation shots. At least that was the case with this photo I took in Venice:
Looking for some proper tags I Googled “K‑141” and found a Wikipedia article on the Russian submarine Kursk. I pulled out the proper Russian text to use as tags but was puzzled about the reason behind the stencil.
I decided to let my direct colleagues in on the mystery and mailed it around at the office. Soon after, Peter pointed out that the same stencil art was blogged at zombizi zero-six and Wooster Collective.
Quite entertaining, but it gets even weirder. He pointed out this link, which apparently proves the stencil spree was part of Russia’s presence at the 51st Venice Biennale…
Bart rightly pointed out that it’s strange they didn’t get caught doing it. I mean: wouldn’t it be easy for the police to hold the Russians at the Biennale responsible for this blatant act of “vandalism”?
Anyway. You learn something new every day, don’t you?
Finished Florence
The last few shots from Florence are up. Here’s the first new one in the set. Now it’s on to Venice, almost done!
Fun fact: Florentine police use Segways to get around the station!
A few more shots of Florence
Despite the heat and humidity this evening I got around sorting through a few more photos taken in Florence. Around 50 new ones have been added to the set. You can start at the first new one here.
I’d like to treat you to a nice example of serendipity. Here’s a photo I took of some stained glass windows depicting the agnus dei:
Now check out this photo by Rich Nurcombe… Weird.
Back with a black label
Just a short post to check in. I arrived back from Vienna this weekend. The week’s training was a lot of fun, very hot and quite successful. I managed to pass all my examinations which means I’m 2nd dan Takeda Ryu aikido now, and have received my assistants-license. Huzzah!
I didn’t take that many photos, most of them after a day’s training, but there’s a few up at Flickr now. Here’s my favourite shot:
Off to Vienna
I’ll be off to Vienna in a few hours. I’ll be training Takeda Ryu for five days at the Matsumae Budo Center and resting my battered body in the Bosei Hotel. The week will include a tournament and some examinations, so I’m excited to see the outcome of those. I’ll be back on the air next week!
First few Florence shots
Before getting ready to watch the Germany vs. Italy match, I’ve managed to sort through the photos of our first day in Florence. You can go here to start at the first new one in the set. There’s around twenty.
There’s a disproportionate amount of street art shots in this batch, here’s the one I like the most:
More Rome photos
I finally had the stamina to go throught the rest of my Rome photos. Another near 50 shots are in the set over at Flickr now. Next up is Florence!
Here’s my favorite of this batch: