
I’m sit­ting in the main room of Kedel­hallen watch­ing Thomas fid­dle with his lap­top. We’re ready to start reboot­ing. Yes­ter­day we arrived in the evening, quick­ly checked into the hotel and went into town for a bite. After a bur­ri­to at a dodgy latin tourist trap, we went over to a styl­ish cof­fee bar for some espres­so and sweets. 

Aso, I’ve giv­en my new IXUS 60 a spin yes­ter­day, and am very pleased with it’s per­for­mance. Lat­er I’ll start upload­ing some stuff to Flickr.

Pre­boot is done, let’s get reboot­ing. (Yay!)

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.

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