My photos in Schmap’s Rome, Venice and Florence guides

Lieke in the inner cloister

Plan­ning on mak­ing a trip to Rome, Venice or Flo­rence? Check out the free dig­i­tal trav­el guides from Schmap. The new edi­tions con­tain some pho­tos I took while vaca­tion­ing there this spring. Schmap use Cre­ative Com­mons-licensed pho­tos from Flickr in their guides. They always polite­ly ask for per­mis­sion first even though strict­ly speak­ing they don’t have to. The guides are PC only but they’ve promised me Mac ver­sions will fol­low shortly. 

And yes, Edgar was there first.

Update: the nice peo­ple over at Schmap real­ly love me. They’ve includ­ed this insane­ly great pho­to of the Cab Inn City hotel in their next Copen­hagen guide.

A few more shots of Florence

Despite the heat and humid­i­ty this evening I got around sort­ing through a few more pho­tos tak­en in Flo­rence. Around 50 new ones have been added to the set. You can start at the first new one here.

I’d like to treat you to a nice exam­ple of serendip­i­ty. Here’s a pho­to I took of some stained glass win­dows depict­ing the agnus dei:

Stained glass

Now check out this pho­to by Rich Nur­combe… Weird.

Back with a black label

Just a short post to check in. I arrived back from Vien­na this week­end. The week’s train­ing was a lot of fun, very hot and quite suc­cess­ful. I man­aged to pass all my exam­i­na­tions which means I’m 2nd dan Take­da Ryu aiki­do now, and have received my assis­tants-license. Huzzah!

I did­n’t take that many pho­tos, most of them after a day’s train­ing, but there’s a few up at Flickr now. Here’s my favourite shot:

Dogi hanging to dry


Back by dope demand. Yes­ter­day I returned from my love­ly trip to Italy. Dirty clothes are in the laun­dro­mat, I’ve caught up on paper­work and e‑mail, now it’s time to start going through the huge amounts of pho­tos. Me and my girl­friend have man­aged to knock off the first few days, but I’ve got lit­er­al­ly thou­sands lying around (I know should­n’t have bought a new cam­era…) So it’ll take a while before we’ve gone through ’em all. In the mean time the first few are up. Here’s my favourite of the batch. 

A photo of the pantheon in Rome, Italy


Reboot 8.0 post mortem

I’m back in Utrecht after a few great days in Copen­hagen. Reboot 8.0 was sur­pris­ing­ly good this year. I was afraid it would­n’t mea­sure up to the awe­some qual­i­ty of last year, but I was wrong. Per­haps this year was even bet­ter. I’ll have to digest every­thing a lit­tle more before I can say for sure.

I’ll get back lat­er with some thoughts on impor­tant issues that were brought up dur­ing the event. But first I’m off to Italy for two weeks of vaca­tion and some much need­ed rest. 

So pho­tos and in depth analy­sis will have to wait a lit­tle longer. Back in a few weeks!