The direc­tion of social hous­ing pol­i­cy since 1979 has been grad­u­al­ly to remove the state from the busi­ness of build­ing hous­es, and now grad­u­al­ly to remove the state from the busi­ness of sub­si­dis­ing rent. You can imag­ine free mar­ke­teers believ­ing the mar­ket can house the poor in decent com­fort with­out the bet­ter-off being forced to chip in, although there is no evi­dence that it can. This is the benign view of the Thatcherites’ motive. But it is eas­i­er to believe that the actu­al inten­tion – not for­mal­ly designed in some con­spir­a­to­r­i­al way, and nev­er open­ly described as such – is to demon­e­tise that part of gen­er­al tax­a­tion on the well-off that goes towards evening things out for the poor and replac­ing it with a tax in kind, a tax on con­science. To per­mit the grad­ual re-emer­gence of slums, in oth­er words, in order to keep income and cor­po­ra­tion tax low, and to make the threat to the well-off an eas­i­ly ignored threat to their con­science, rather than to their wealth. To set­tle for his­to­ry as wheel rather than ascent, in which it will even­tu­al­ly be time for Dick­ens to come around again.

James Meek · Where will we live?: The Hous­ing Dis­as­ter · LRB 9 Jan­u­ary 2014

This is a prop­er long read (I mean, 13468 words) on Britain’s hous­ing cri­sis with some dis­con­cert­ing par­al­lels to what has hap­pened in main­land Europe (although per­haps to a less­er degree). The pos­si­bil­i­ty of the reemer­gence of slums sim­ply bog­gles my mind.

On the oth­er hand, no one — not even Yellin — is quite sure why there are so many alt­gen­res that fea­ture Ray­mond Burr and Bar­bara Hale. It’s inex­plic­a­ble with human log­ic. It’s just some­thing that hap­pened. I tried on a bunch of dif­fer­ent names for the Per­ry Mason thing: ghost, grem­lin, not-quite-a-bug. What do you call the some­thing-in-the-code-and-data which led to the exis­tence of these micro­gen­res? The vex­ing, remark­able con­clu­sion is that when com­pa­nies com­bine human intel­li­gence and machine intel­li­gence, some things hap­pen that we can­not under­stand. “Let me get philo­soph­i­cal for a minute. In a human world, life is made inter­est­ing by serendip­i­ty,” Yellin told me. “The more com­plex­i­ty you add to a machine world, you’re adding serendip­i­ty that you couldn’t imag­ine. Per­ry Mason is going to hap­pen. These ghosts in the machine are always going to be a by-prod­uct of the com­plex­i­ty. And some­times we call it a bug and some­times we call it a feature.”

How Net­flix Reverse Engi­neered Hol­ly­wood — Alex­is C. Madri­gal — The Atlantic

This piece on Netflix’s alt­gen­res is a sol­id bit of report­ing on the inter­sec­tion of tech and cul­ture, although it nev­er real­ly gets very adventurous—until the very end. Per­ry Mason as an emer­gent prop­er­ty of the service’s hybrid approach to rec­om­men­da­tions. Just delicious.

We’re gonna tag how much romance is in a movie. We’re not gonna tell you how much romance is in it, but we’re gonna rec­om­mend it,” Yellin said. “You’re gonna get an action row and it may have more or less romance in it based on what we know about you.” […] They could have pure­ly used com­pu­ta­tion. For exam­ple, look­ing at peo­ple with sim­i­lar view­ing habits and rec­om­mend­ing movies based on what they watched. (And Net­flix does use this kind of data, too.) But they went beyond that approach to look at the con­tent itself. “It’s a real com­bi­na­tion: machine-learned, algo­rithms, algo­rith­mic syn­tax,” Yellin said, “and also a bunch of geeks who love this stuff going deep.
In a healthy medi­um you have artists push­ing the lim­its,” he says. “Most of them push in the wrong direc­tion and fail. Every now and again some­one push­es in an inter­est­ing direc­tion and every­one fol­lows. It’s not hap­pen­ing in games, apart from indies. Of course, most of their stuff is crap. But every now and again some­one comes along with some­thing that is new, dif­fer­ent and interesting.

30 Years Lat­er, One Man Is Still Try­ing To Fix Video Games

Enjoy­able pro­file on Craw­ford who despite his failed exper­i­ments of the past years, or per­haps thanks to them, is still one of the most thought-pro­vok­ing fig­ures in “the indus­try”. I am par­tic­u­lar­ly fond of his insis­tence on invent­ing new verbs. 

There aren’t real­ly good lan­guages for non-com­mod­i­ty, non-sac­ri­fi­cial acts. A task of our time might be to free the aes­thet­ic from its com­plic­i­ty with com­mod­i­ty forms, even atten­u­at­ed ones, and prac­tice it again, in the every­day, as a sen­si­bil­i­ty of the gift. Art is Xmas. The art not of signs but of rit­u­als. The art of with­draw­ing the hand that gives and leav­ing just the gift as given.

Read­ing this well past Christ­mas, but still packs a punch. I like the idea of gift-giv­ing across gen­er­a­tions as rit­u­als with long loops.

Of course it is hard­er to think about ideas than to bring a pro­gram­ming lan­guage into a classroom.

mean­while, at

Fetishis­ing pro­gram­ming won’t get us any­where. (And indeed, it is strik­ing has the most sen­si­ble quote of them all.)

In the era of the iPhone, Face­book, and Twit­ter, we’ve become enam­ored of ideas that spread as effort­less­ly as ether. We want fric­tion­less, “turnkey” solu­tions to the major dif­fi­cul­ties of the world—hunger, dis­ease, pover­ty. We pre­fer instruc­tion­al videos to teach­ers, drones to troops, incen­tives to insti­tu­tions. Peo­ple and insti­tu­tions can feel messy and anachro­nis­tic. They intro­duce, as the engi­neers put it, uncon­trolled variability.
I think my favourite aspect of it, though, is that at times, watch­ing the bots play togeth­er is a lit­tle like mag­ic. The first time I saw them talk to each oth­er, cov­er each oth­er whilst reload­ing, help each oth­er up after a Boomer attacked, I felt a lit­tle (only a lit­tle, mind) like a proud father. They’re dumb as a sack of ham­mers, but they look con­vinc­ing, and that was the real goal. It’s fun to watch them fight the horde amidst all my oth­er friends on Twitter.

Infovore » Twit 4 Dead: more sil­ly non­sense with Twit­ter bots.

Dig­ging up some old work by Tom after encoun­ter­ing a talk on Left 4 Dead’s AI.