I think my favourite aspect of it, though, is that at times, watch­ing the bots play togeth­er is a lit­tle like mag­ic. The first time I saw them talk to each oth­er, cov­er each oth­er whilst reload­ing, help each oth­er up after a Boomer attacked, I felt a lit­tle (only a lit­tle, mind) like a proud father. They’re dumb as a sack of ham­mers, but they look con­vinc­ing, and that was the real goal. It’s fun to watch them fight the horde amidst all my oth­er friends on Twitter.

Infovore » Twit 4 Dead: more sil­ly non­sense with Twit­ter bots.

Dig­ging up some old work by Tom after encoun­ter­ing a talk on Left 4 Dead’s AI.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.