Adapting intelligent tools for creativity

I read Alper’s book on con­ver­sa­tion­al user inter­faces over the week­end and was struck by this paragraph:

The holy grail of a con­ver­sa­tion­al sys­tem would be one that’s aware of itself — one that knows its own mod­el and inter­nal struc­ture and allows you to change all of that by talk­ing to it. Imag­ine being able to tell Siri to tone it down a bit with the jokes and that it would then actu­al­ly do that.”

His point stuck with me because I think this is of par­tic­u­lar impor­tance to cre­ative tools. These need to be flex­i­ble so that a vari­ety of peo­ple can use them in dif­fer­ent cir­cum­stances. This adapt­abil­i­ty is what lends a tool depth.

The depth I am think­ing of in cre­ative tools is sim­i­lar to the one in games, which appears to be derived from a kind of semi-ordered­ness. In short, you’re look­ing for a sweet spot between too sim­ple and too complex.

And of course, you need good defaults.

Back to adap­ta­tion. This can hap­pen in at least two ways on the inter­face lev­el: modal or mod­e­less. A sim­ple exam­ple of the for­mer would be to go into a pref­er­ences win­dow to change the behav­iour of your draw­ing pack­age. Sim­i­lar­ly, mod­e­less adap­ta­tion hap­pens when you rearrange some pan­els to bet­ter suit the task at hand.

Return­ing to Siri, the equiv­a­lence of mod­e­less adap­ta­tion would be to tell her to tone it down when her sense of humor irks you. 

For the modal solu­tion, imag­ine a humor slid­er in a set­tings screen some­where. This would be a ter­ri­ble solu­tion because it offers a poor map­ping of a con­trol to a per­son­al­i­ty trait. Can you pin­point on a scale of 1 to 10 your pre­ferred amount of humor in your hypo­thet­i­cal per­son­al assis­tant? And any­way, doesn’t it depend on a lot of sit­u­a­tion­al things such as your mood, the par­tic­u­lar task you’re try­ing to com­plete and so on? In short, this requires some­thing more sit­u­at­ed and adaptive. 

So just being able to tell Siri to tone it down would be the equiv­a­lent of rear­rang­ing your Pho­to­shop palets. And in a next inter­ac­tion Siri might care­ful­ly try some humor again to gauge your response. And if you encour­age her, she might be more humor­ous again.

Enough about fun­ny Siri for now because it’s a bit of a sil­ly example.

Fun­ny Siri, although she’s a bit of a Sil­ly exam­ple, does illus­trate anoth­er prob­lem I am try­ing to wrap my head around. How does an intel­li­gent tool for cre­ativ­i­ty com­mu­ni­cate its inter­nal state? Because it is prob­a­bilis­tic, it can’t be eas­i­ly mapped to a graph­ic infor­ma­tion dis­play. And so our old way of manip­u­lat­ing state, and more specif­i­cal­ly adapt­ing a tool to our needs becomes very dif­fer­ent too.

It seems to be best for an intel­li­gent sys­tem to be open to sug­ges­tions from users about how to behave. Adapt­ing an intel­li­gent cre­ative tool is less like rear­rang­ing your work­space and more like coor­di­nat­ing with a coworker. 

My ide­al is for this to be done in the same mode (and so using the same con­trols) as when doing the work itself. I expect this to allow for more flu­id inter­ac­tions, going back and forth between doing the work at hand, and meta-com­mu­ni­ca­tion about how the sys­tem sup­ports the work. I think if we look at how peo­ple col­lab­o­rate this hap­pens a lot, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and meta-com­mu­ni­ca­tion going on con­tin­u­ous­ly in the same channels.

We don’t need a self-aware arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence to do this. We need to apply what com­put­er sci­en­tists call super­vised learn­ing. The basic idea is to pro­vide a sys­tem with exam­ple inputs and desired out­puts, and let it infer the nec­es­sary rules from them. If the results are unsat­is­fac­to­ry, you sim­ply con­tin­ue train­ing it until it per­forms well enough. 

A super fun exam­ple of this approach is the Wek­ina­tor, a piece of machine learn­ing soft­ware for cre­at­ing musi­cal instru­ments. Below is a video in which Wekinator’s cre­ator Rebec­ca Fiebrink per­forms sev­er­al demos.

Here we have an intel­li­gent sys­tem learn­ing from exam­ples. A per­son manip­u­lat­ing data in stead of code to get to a par­tic­u­lar desired behav­iour. But what Wek­ina­tor lacks and what I expect will be required for this type of thing to real­ly catch on is for the train­ing to hap­pen in the same mode or medi­um as the per­for­mance. The tech­nol­o­gy seems to be get­ting there, but there are many inter­ac­tion design prob­lems remain­ing to be solved. 

Plazes sidebar redesign

Plazes, my favourite under­hyped Euro­pean web appli­ca­tion have updat­ed their side­bar. I like the fact that they changed the ranges shown (here, 1 km, 3 km, 10 km, 50 km). Now I can see all the way to Utrecht from Ams­ter­dam. I also like the new “friends some­where else” sec­tion (see the screen­shot). They’ve also clus­tered peo­ple at the same plaze, and (all the way at the bot­tom) have now includ­ed a tag cloud-esque city list. Very web 2.0!

plazes sidebar outtake

Yahoo! opens up some more

Some great new resources are now avail­able, cour­tesy of every­one’s favorite web 2.0 com­pa­ny: Yahoo!

The Design Pat­tern Library con­tains a whole bunch of pat­ters for user inter­face design­ers to use and abuse. Mar­ti­jn van Welie final­ly has some competition.

Of more inter­est to devel­op­ers is the UI Library, con­tain­ing “a set of util­i­ties and con­trols, writ­ten in JavaScript, for build­ing rich­ly inter­ac­tive web appli­ca­tions”. These code exam­ples are fre­quent­ly linked to from the pat­tern library.

I must say, these look like some excel­lent addi­tions to the cur­rent body of knowl­edge avail­able to design­ers and devel­op­ers. Thanks a bunch Yahoo!

How­ev­er, my para­noid mind can’t help but think: what’s the catch?

Via Jere­my Zawod­ny.

Delicious Library

This post at Engad­get lead me to Deli­cious Library. A Mac app that lets you scan bar­codes on your books and games and such using a web­cam. It then cre­ates a cat­a­logue of all your stuff and does all kinds of cools stuff with it, such as give you rec­om­men­da­tions, and let you track which books you’ve loaned to your friends. There’s an inter­view with the mak­ers too, includ­ing a look at how the UI evolved, but it’s offline right now. Too bad…

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