links for 2006-03-18

links for 2006-03-15

Restaurant usability

'U kunt hier ook zitten'

I ran into this curi­ous sign while out for lunch today. A small restau­rant spe­cial­is­ing in pie (vlaai) had these huge let­ters in the win­dow, say­ing: “you can sit here as well”. Obvi­ous­ly, if they made it obvi­ous to poten­tial clients that they had seat­ing, they wouldn’t need the sign – or is it a case of peo­ple not want­i­ng to sit down and have a piece of pie? 

To me, the sign was quite sim­i­lar to those texts in web pages read­ing “click here to …” – always a clear sign of bad usabil­i­ty. Per­haps the pie shop is in need of some user expe­ri­ence consulting?

links for 2006-03-14

links for 2006-03-10

Next generation tag clouds

Joe Laman­tia recent­ly pub­lished a two-part essay on tag clouds. He’s man­aged to cre­ate a nice primer on tag­ging from an IA’s point of view. His tone of voice is a bit aca­d­e­m­ic, which may turn you off, but his pre­dic­tions of future direc­tions for tag­ging and tag clouds are spot on quite inter­est­ing.

A while ago I tried to come to grips with the tag­ging phe­nom­e­non in a series of posts on (in Dutch). The last one was on facetted tag­ging. Laman­tia briefly men­tions this as a new direc­tion, but doesn’t real­ly describe how he imag­ines this would work. 

I’m in the plan­ning phase of a facetted tag­ging demo, and still not sure how to approach it: should con­tent edi­tors spec­i­fy the facets with­in which con­tent users can tag, or should the facets be tags as well. In oth­er words – how far should we go in relin­quish­ing con­trol over metadata?