Four Things Meme

It’s all Peter’s fault, who in turn was ‘tagged’ by Thomas. At least I’m in good com­pa­ny. :-) Here’s a few sil­ly top four lists (not nec­es­sar­i­ly definite):

Four Jobs I’ve Had 

  1. Sec­ond rate paper boy (deliv­er­ing fold­ers and such) in De Bilt, the Netherlands 
  2. Sum­mer job prepar­ing orders of com­put­er hard­ware in Hil­ver­sum, the Netherlands 
  3. Free­lance inter­ac­tion design­er for Leapfrog, my own company 
  4. Inter­ac­tion design­er at Bright Alley Inter­ac­tive Communication 
Four Movies I Can Watch Over And Over
  1. Blade Run­ner
  2. Reser­voir Dogs
  3. Sev­en Samurai
  4. Lost in Translation
Four Places I’ve Lived
  1. Blokz­i­jl, the Netherlands 
  2. Paris, France
  3. Scha­gen, the Netherlands
  4. De Bilt, the Netherlands 
Four TV Shows I Love
  1. The X‑Files
  2. ER
  3. The Simp­sons
  4. Ren & Stimpy 
Four Places I’ve Vaca­tioned
  1. Cos­ta Rica 
  2. Indone­sia
  3. Sin­ga­pore
  4. New Orleans
Four Of My Favorite Dish­es
  1. Lamb chops
  2. Spaghet­ti Putanesca 
  3. Dutch pan­cakes
  4. Sushi
Four Sites I Vis­it Dai­ly
  1. Blog­lines
  2. Flickr
  4. plazes
Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now
  1. Pulau Bunaken, Sulawe­si, Indonesia
  2. Tokio, Japan
  3. Some­where along the Caribbean coast of Cos­ta Rica
  4. The tata­mi of a Take­da Ryu dojo 
Four Blog­gers I’m Tag­ging
  1. Edgar
  2. Tom
  3. Iskan­der
  4. Hes­sel (so he can do some­thing with his ‘new’ domain) 
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I get invited to a good beta (Newsvine)

Guess I won’t be need­ing that shirt — today I got an invit­ed to the pri­vate beta of Newsvine.

In the words of Mike David­son (pre­vi­ous­ly known for his work on sIFR, now of Newsvine): 

We believe in turn­ing news into con­ver­sa­tion, and every page on is designed to do pre­cise­ly that.”
Haven’t had the time to actu­al­ly give it a try, but here’s a screen­shot of this morn­ing’s world news home page.


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Screens in train – again

Nou, ein­delijk die WiFi van de NS kun­nen testen. En hij werkt best aardig (op de spo­radis­che time out na). Gelijk een dilem­ma op Plazes. Hoe geo­t­ag je een bewe­gend object? Beet­je jam­mer dat ze het alleen niet voor elka­ar kri­j­gen de juiste reis­in­for­matie op de scher­men te kri­j­gen. Op weg naar Den Bosch is vol­gens de NS de vol­gende halte Ams­ter­dam Cen­traal, tot grote ver­war­ring van menig reiziger…

NStv testtrein

V for Vendetta: will they get it right?

After see­ing sev­er­al of his great graph­ic nov­els1 being turned into crap­py Hol­ly­wood movies; will Alan Moore final­ly be hon­ored with a prop­er sil­ver screen adap­ta­tion? One of my favorite comics of all time, V for Vendet­ta, is being trans­lat­ed to a movie at the moment. The accom­pa­ny­ing site has made me quite hopeful… 

  1. From Hell, The League of Extra­or­di­nary Gentlemen
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