On sketching

Catch­ing up with this slight­ly neglect­ed blog (it’s been 6 weeks since the last prop­er post). I’d like to start by telling you about a small thing I helped out with last week. Peter Boers­ma1 asked me to help out with one of his UX Cock­tail Hours. He was inspired by a recent IxDA Stu­dio … Con­tin­ue read­ing On sketch­ing

Collaboratively designing Things through sketching

So far, Ianus, Alexan­der and I have announced three of the four peo­ple who’ll be speak­ing at the first Dutch This hap­pened. They are Fabi­an of Ron­i­mo Games, Phi­line of Super­nana and Dirk of IR labs The final addi­tion to this won­der­ful line-up is Wern­er Jainek of Cul­tured Code, the devel­op­ers of Things, a task … Con­tin­ue read­ing Col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly design­ing Things through sketching

Sketching in code — Twitter, Processing, dataviz

Sketch­ing is the defin­ing activ­i­ty of design writes Bux­ton and I tend to agree. The genius of his book is that he shows sketch­ing can take on many forms. It is not lim­it­ed to work­ing with pen­cils and paper. You can sketch in 3D using wood or clay. You can sketch in time using video, … Con­tin­ue read­ing Sketch­ing in code — Twit­ter, Pro­cess­ing, dataviz

Sketching the experience of toys

Play is the high­est form of research.” —Albert Ein­stein1 That’s what I always say when I’m play­ing games, too.  I real­ly liked Bill Bux­ton’s book Sketch­ing User Expe­ri­ences. I like it because Bux­ton defends design as a legit­i­mate pro­fes­sion sep­a­rate from oth­er disciplines—such as engineering—while at the same time show­ing that design­ers (no mat­ter how … Con­tin­ue read­ing Sketch­ing the expe­ri­ence of toys


A more-or-less com­plete list of the most notable talks and work­shops I deliv­ered over the years. In 2018 I start­ed my PhD at TU Delft. For an overview of talks from that point onwards, go to contestable.ai. 2018 Shuldin­er, A., & Alfrink, K. (2018, Decem­ber 6–7). See­ing Like a Bridge [Con­fer­ence work­shop]. ThingsCon, Rot­ter­dam, The … Con­tin­ue read­ing Talks

Unboxing’ at Behavior Design Amsterdam #16

Below is a write-up of the talk I gave at the Behav­ior Design Ams­ter­dam #16 meet­up on Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 15, 2018. I’d like to talk about the future of our design prac­tice and what I think we should focus our atten­tion on. It is all relat­ed to this idea of com­plex­i­ty and open­ing up black box­es. … Con­tin­ue read­ing Unbox­ing’ at Behav­ior Design Ams­ter­dam #16

Design and machine learning – an annotated reading list

Ear­li­er this year I coached Design for Inter­ac­tion mas­ter stu­dents at Delft Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy in the course Research Method­ol­o­gy. The stu­dents organ­ised three sem­i­nars for which I pro­vid­ed the claims and assigned read­ing. In the sem­i­nars they argued about my claims using the Toul­min Mod­el of Argu­men­ta­tion. The read­ings served as sources for back­ing … Con­tin­ue read­ing Design and machine learn­ing – an anno­tat­ed read­ing list

Design without touching the surface

I am prepar­ing two class­es at the moment. One is an intro­duc­tion to user expe­ri­ence design, the oth­er to user inter­face design. I did not come up with this divi­sion, it was part of the assign­ment. I thought it was odd at first. I wasn’t sure where one dis­ci­pline ends and the oth­er begins. I … Con­tin­ue read­ing Design with­out touch­ing the surface

Get­ting your head around Netrun­ner is like try­ing to grab a fish in a riv­er. It slips always just out of your reach, lets you seize it only for a moment. And just when you think you’ve real­ly got it, brand-new cards are released, mak­ing new mechan­ics pos­si­ble. It is not about the climb to … Con­tin­ue reading 

Week 176

As I was start­ing to write this a dis­cus­sion broke out on dra­matur­gy and game design. So I got side­tracked debat­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences between dis­ci­plines and most impor­tant­ly what they have to offer to each oth­er. The room was filled with inter­ac­tion design­ers, game design­ers and folk with a the­atre back­ground.1 So that was … Con­tin­ue read­ing Week 176