Prototyping in the browser

When you are design­ing a web site or web app I think you should pro­to­type in the brows­er. Why? You might as well ask why pro­to­type at all. Answer: To enable con­tin­u­ous test­ing and refine­ment of your design. Since you are design­ing for the web it makes sense to do this test­ing and refine­ment with an arte­fact com­posed of the web’s material.

There are many ways to do pro­to­typ­ing. A com­mon way is to make wire­frames and then make them ‘click­able’. But when I am design­ing a web site or a web app and I get to the point where it is time to do wire­frames I often pre­fer to go straight to the browser. 

Before this step I have sketched out all the screens on paper of course. I have done mul­ti­ple sketch­es of each page. I’ve had them cri­tiqued by team mem­bers and I have reworked them. 

Drawing pictures of web pages

But then I open my draw­ing pro­gram—Sketch, in my case—and my heart sinks. Not because Sketch sucks. Sketch is great. But it some­how feels wrong to draw pic­tures of web pages on my screen. I find it cum­ber­some. My draw­ing pro­gram does not behave like a brows­er. That is to say in stead of defin­ing a bunch of rules for ele­ments and hav­ing the brows­er fig­ure out how to ren­der them on a page togeth­er I need to fol­low those rules myself in my head as I put each ele­ment in its place.

And don’t get me start­ed on how wire­frames are sup­posed to be with­out visu­al design. That is non­sense. If you are using con­trast, rep­e­ti­tion, align­ment and prox­im­i­ty, you are doing lay­out. That is visu­al design. I can’t stand wire­frames with a bad visu­al hierarchy.

If I per­se­vere, and I have a set of wire­frames in my draw­ing pro­gram, they are sta­t­ic. I can’t use them. I then need to export them to some oth­er often clunky pro­gram to make the pic­tures click­able. Which always results in a poor resem­blance of the actu­al expe­ri­ence. (I use Mar­vel. It’s okay but it is hard­ly a joy to use. For mobile apps I still use it, for web sites I pre­fer not to.)

Prototyping in the browser

When I pro­to­type in the brows­er I don’t have to deal with these issues. I am doing lay­out in a way that is native to the medi­um. And once I have some pages set up they are imme­di­ate­ly usable. So I can hand it to some­one, a team mem­ber or a test par­tic­i­pant, and let them play with it.

That is why, for web sites and web apps, I skip wire­frames alto­geth­er and pro­to­type in the brows­er. I do not know how com­mon this is in the indus­try nowa­days. So I thought I would share my approach here. It may be of use to some. 

It used to be the case that it was quite a bit of has­sle to get up and run­ning with a brows­er pro­to­type so nat­u­ral­ly open­ing a draw­ing pack­age seemed more attrac­tive. Not so any­more. Tools have come a long way. Case in point: My set­up nowa­days involves zero screw­ing around on the com­mand line.


The core of it is a paid-for Mac app called CodeK­it, a so-called task man­ag­er. It allows you to install a front-end devel­op­ment frame­work I like called Zurb Foun­da­tion with a cou­ple of clicks and has a built in web serv­er so you can play with your pro­to­type on any device on your local net­work. As you make changes to the code of your pro­to­type it gets auto­mat­i­cal­ly updat­ed on all your devices. No more man­u­al refresh­ing. Saves a huge amount of time.

I know you can do most of what CodeK­it does for you with stuff like Grunt but that involves tedious con­fig­u­ra­tion and work­ing the com­mand line. This is fine when you’re a devel­op­er, but not fine when you are a design­er. I want to be up and run­ning as fast as pos­si­ble. CodeK­it allows me to do that and has some oth­er fea­tures built in that are ide­al for pro­to­typ­ing which I will talk about more below. Long sto­ry short: CodeK­it has saved me a huge amount of time and is well worth the money.

Okay so on with the show. Yes, this whole pro­to­typ­ing in the brows­er thing involves ‘cod­ing’. But hon­est­ly, if you can’t write some HTML and CSS you real­ly shouldn’t be doing design for the web in the first place. I don’t care if you con­sid­er your­self a UX design­er and some­how above all this low­ly tech­ni­cal stuff. You are not. Nobody is say­ing you should become a fron­tend devel­op­er but you need to have an acquain­tance with the mate­ri­als your prod­uct is made of. Fol­low a few cours­es on Codecadamy or some­thing. There real­ly isn’t an excuse any­more these days for not know­ing this stuff. If you want to lev­el up, learn SASS.

Zurb Foundation

I like Zurb Foun­da­tion because it offers a coher­ent and com­pre­hen­sive library of ele­ments which cov­ers almost all the com­mon pat­terns found in web sites and apps. It offers a grid and some default typog­ra­phy styles as well. All of it doesn’t look flashy at all which is how I like it when I am pro­to­typ­ing. A pro­to­type at this stage does not require per­son­al­i­ty yet. Just a clear visu­al hier­ar­chy. Work­ing with Foun­da­tion is almost like play­ing with LEGO. You just click togeth­er the stuff you need. It’s pain­less and looks and works great.

I hard­ly do any styling but the few changes I do want to make I can eas­i­ly add to Foundation’s app.scss using SASS. I usu­al­ly have a few styles in there for tweak­ing some mar­gins on par­tic­u­lar ele­ments, for exam­ple a foot­er. But I try to focus on the struc­ture and behav­iour of my pages and for that I am most­ly doing HTML


Test­ing local­ly I already men­tioned. For that, CodeK­it has you cov­ered. Of course, you want to be able to share your pro­to­type with oth­ers. For this I like to use GitHub and their Pages fea­ture. Once again, using their desk­top client, this involves zero com­mand line work. You just add the fold­er with your CodeK­it project as a new repos­i­to­ry and sync it with GitHub. Then you need to add a branch named ‘gh-pages’ and do ‘update from mas­ter’. Presto, your pro­to­type is now on the web for any­one with the URL to see and use. Per­fect if you’re work­ing in a dis­trib­uted team. 

Don’t be intim­i­dat­ed by using GitHub. Their on-board­ing is pret­ty impres­sive nowa­days. You’ll be up and run­ning in no time. Using ver­sion con­trol, even if it is just you work­ing on the pro­to­type, adds some much need­ed struc­ture and con­trol over changes. And when you are col­lab­o­rat­ing on your pro­to­type with team mem­bers it is indispensable. 

But in most cas­es I am the only one build­ing the pro­to­type so I just work on the mas­ter branch and once every while I update the gh-pages branch from mas­ter and sync it and I am done. If you use Slack you can add a GitHub bot to a chan­nel and have your team mem­bers receive an auto­mat­ic update every time you change the prototype. 

The Kit Language

If your project is of any size beyond the very small you will like­ly have repeat­ing ele­ments in your design. Head­ers, foot­ers, recur­ring wid­gets and so on. CodeK­it has recent­ly added sup­port for some­thing called the Kit Lan­guage. This adds sup­port for imports and vari­ables to reg­u­lar HTML. It is absolute­ly great for pro­to­typ­ing. For each repeat­ing ele­ment you cre­ate a ‘par­tial’ and import it wher­ev­er you need it. Vari­ables are great for chang­ing the con­tents of such repeat­ing ele­ments. CodeK­it com­piles it all into plain sta­t­ic HTML for you so your pro­to­type runs anywhere.

The Kit Lan­guage real­ly was the miss­ing piece of the puz­zle for me. With it in place I am very com­fort­able rec­om­mend­ing this way of work­ing to anyone.

So that’s my set­up: CodeK­it, Zurb Foun­da­tion and GitHub. Togeth­er they make for a very pleas­ant and pro­duc­tive way to do pro­to­typ­ing in the brows­er. I don’t imag­ine myself going back to draw­ing pic­tures of web pages any­time soon.

Design without touching the surface

I am prepar­ing two class­es at the moment. One is an intro­duc­tion to user expe­ri­ence design, the oth­er to user inter­face design. I did not come up with this divi­sion, it was part of the assign­ment. I thought it was odd at first. I wasn’t sure where one dis­ci­pline ends and the oth­er begins. I still am not sure. But I made a prag­mat­ic deci­sion to have the UX class focus on the high lev­el process of design­ing (soft­ware) prod­ucts, and the UI class focus on the visu­al aspects of a product’s inter­face. The UI class deals with a product’s sur­face, form, and to some extent also its behav­iour, but on a micro lev­el. Where­as the UX class focus­es on behav­iour on the macro lev­el. Sim­ply speaking—the UX class is about behav­iour across screens, the UI class is about behav­iour with­in screens.

The solu­tion is work­able. But I am still not entire­ly com­fort­able with it. I am not com­fort­able with the idea of being able to prac­tice UX with­out ‘touch­ing the sur­face’, so to speak. And it seems my two class­es are advo­cat­ing this. Also, I am pret­ty sure this is every­day real­i­ty for many UX prac­ti­tion­ers. Notice I say “prac­ti­tion­er”, because I am not sure ‘design­er’ is the right term in these cas­es. To be hon­est I do not think you can prac­tice design with­out doing sketch­ing and pro­to­typ­ing of some sort. (See Bill Buxton’s ‘Sketch­ing User Expe­ri­ences’ for an expand­ed argu­ment on why this is.) And when it comes to design­ing soft­ware prod­ucts this means touch­ing the sur­face, the form.

Again, the real­i­ty is, ‘UX design­er’ and ‘UI design­er’ are com­mon terms now. Cer­tain­ly here in Sin­ga­pore peo­ple know they need both to make good prod­ucts. Some prac­ti­tion­ers say they do both, oth­ers one or the oth­er. The lat­ter appears to be the most com­mon and expect­ed case. (By the way, in Sin­ga­pore no-one I’ve met talks about inter­ac­tion design.)

My con­cern is that by encour­ag­ing the prac­tice of doing UX design with­out touch­ing the sur­face of a prod­uct, we get shit­ty designs. In a process where UX and UI are seen as sep­a­rate things the risk is one comes before the oth­er. The UX design­er draws the wire­frames, the UI design­er gets to turn them into pret­ty pic­tures, with no back-and-forth between the two. An iter­a­tive process can mit­i­gate some of the dam­age such an arti­fi­cial divi­sion of labour pro­duces, but I think we still start out on the wrong foot. I think a bet­ter prac­tice might entail includ­ing visu­al con­sid­er­a­tions from the very begin­ning of the design process (as we are sketching).

Two things I came across as I was prepar­ing these class­es are some­how in sup­port of this idea. Both result­ed from a call I did for resources on user inter­face design. I asked for books about visu­al aspects, but I got a lot more.

  1. In ‘Mag­ic Ink’ Bret Vic­tor writes about how the design of infor­ma­tion soft­ware is huge­ly indebt­ed to graph­ic design and more specif­i­cal­ly infor­ma­tion design in the tra­di­tion of Tufte. (He also men­tions indus­tri­al design as an equal­ly big prog­en­i­tor of inter­ac­tion design, but for soft­ware that is main­ly about manip­u­la­tion, not infor­ma­tion.) The arti­cle is big, but the start of it is actu­al­ly a pret­ty good if unortho­dox gen­er­al intro­duc­tion to inter­ac­tion design. For soft­ware that is about learn­ing through look­ing at infor­ma­tion Vic­tor says inter­ac­tion should be a last resort. So that leaves us with a task that is 80% if not more visu­al design. Touch­ing the sur­face. Which makes me think you might as well get to it as quick­ly as pos­si­ble and start sketch­ing and pro­to­typ­ing aimed not just at struc­ture and behav­iour but also form. (Hat tip to Pieter Diepen­maat for this one.)

  2. In ‘Jump­ing to the End’ Matt Jones ram­bles enter­tain­ing­ly about design fic­tion. He argues for pay­ing atten­tion to details and that a lot of the design he prac­tices is about ‘sig­na­ture moments’ aka micro-inter­ac­tions. So yeah, again, I can’t imag­ine design­ing these effec­tive­ly with­out doing sketch­ing and pro­to­typ­ing of the sort that includes the visu­al. And in fact Matt men­tions this more or less at one point, when he talks about the fact that his team’s deliv­er­ables at Google are almost all visu­al. They are high fideli­ty mock­ups, ani­ma­tions, videos, and so on. These then become the start­ing points for fur­ther devel­op­ment. (Hat tip to Alexan­der Zeh for this one.)

In sum­ma­ry, I think dis­tin­guish­ing UX design from UI design is non­sense. Because you can­not prac­tice design with­out sketch­ing and pro­to­typ­ing. And you can­not sketch and pro­to­type a soft­ware prod­uct with­out touch­ing its sur­face. In stead of tak­ing visu­al design for grant­ed, or talk­ing about it like it is some innate tal­ent, some kind of mag­i­cal skill some peo­ple are born with and oth­ers aren’t, user expe­ri­ence prac­ti­tion­ers should con­sid­er being less enam­oured with acquir­ing more skills from busi­ness, mar­ket­ing and engi­neer­ing and in stead prac­tice at the skills that define the fields user expe­ri­ence design is indebt­ed to the most: graph­ic design and indus­tri­al design. In oth­er words, you can’t do user expe­ri­ence design with­out touch­ing the surface.