Get­ting your head around Netrun­ner is like try­ing to grab a fish in a riv­er. It slips always just out of your reach, lets you seize it only for a moment. And just when you think you’ve real­ly got it, brand-new cards are released, mak­ing new mechan­ics pos­si­ble. It is not about the climb to dom­i­nance. It is not about get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter until you’re imper­vi­ous. It’s not about win­ning, but about grow­ing, lat­er­al­ly, like you’re sketch­ing a map of a world that will nev­er be fin­ished being born.

Shut Up & Sit Down | Life Hacks: A Netrun­ner Story

Fun piece on learn­ing to play Netrunner.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.