Dutch Skies

There’s plen­ty of pho­tos of the sky on Flickr, but lets be hon­est — skies and clouds are just so pret­ty, and the Dutch skies are the pret­ti­est of all.

Tom thought the same, so he’s start­ed a group called ‘Hol­landse Lucht­en’ — Dutch Skies.

Here’s my first con­tri­bu­tion.

Tech­no­rati: ,

Updat­ed to cor­rect some typos.

One Sky

One Sky Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Kaeru.

Anoth­er cool project on Flickr: One Sky asked Flickr users to take a shot of their sky on the 1st of octo­ber and upload it to the group pool. It seems they’re plan­ning on mak­ing a huge col­lage of all the pho­tos. can’t wait to see the result!