links for 2010-06-18

links for 2010-06-17

  • “I want to see things earn the priv­i­lege to be objects. If we have the option of things being “real” and “not real,” I want the real stuff to be real­ly good. I want the times when ink hits paper to always be beau­ti­ful, use­ful, and desir­able. It seems like such a shame to cut down a tree to print this Land’s End cat­a­log, with the thin mod­el coy­ly smil­ing at me on the back in her awk­ward swim­suit. I bet it bunch­es up in the wrong spots. It seems sil­ly to give per­ma­nence to a thing that was meant to be ephemer­al to begin with.” I don’t know who this guy is but he has some sen­si­ble things to say about design and physicality.

links for 2010-06-11

links for 2010-06-08

links for 2010-06-01

links for 2010-05-31

links for 2010-05-30