
Mijn broert­je is ges­laagd. Hij studeerde grafisch ontwer­pen aan de WDKA in Rot­ter­dam. Zijn twee afs­tudeer­pro­jecten zijn vet: 

  1. Een extreem min­i­male huis­sti­jl voor de Europeesche Unie, bestaande uit (bij­na) blan­co brief­pa­pi­er, envelop­pen, kaart­jes etc. en een grote bos sjablo­nen waarmee je de dragers zelf van invulling kan voorzien. Het paspoort geeft uit­leg over alle sjablo­nen. Mooi!
  2. Een samen met een studiegenoot ver­vaardigd mag­a­zine rond het the­ma “Rot­ter­dam Water­stad”, welke ver­vol­gens ver­scheurd is en in oran­je plas­tic bak­ste­nen in de Maas is gegooid. Van de actie hebben ze en video gemaakt, en is ver­slag gedaan in het Rot­ter­dams stadsnieuwsblad. 
Ties' afstudeerproject

Foto’s van de diplo­ma-uitreik­ing en het werk van Ties op Flickr.

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Dutch Alien Big Cat

This is so cool. For a few days now, police in The Nether­lands are hunt­ing down an alleged puma on the Hooge Veluwe, a large nat­ur­al reserve.

To me, being a Fortean, this is a treat. Alien Big Cats is a phe­nom­e­non well record­ed in Fortean lit­er­a­ture where mul­ti­ple peo­ple start see­ing a large felid in or around a spe­cif­ic loca­tion. Some­times the ani­mal is nev­er found; some­times it turns out to be a dog, cat or oth­er domes­tic ani­mal. And some­times it turns out to real­ly be a wild cat.

What­ev­er it turns out to be, I’m enjoy­ing see­ing this strange phe­nom­e­na play out in the Dutch media, who have no clue, and see­ing where the mass hys­te­ria will take us.

(Also check out this British ABC roundup at the excel­lent Fortean Times.)

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Lessons learnt at Reboot 7.0

  • More play (see
  • Make your soft­ware social (how?)
  • Keep things open (no gatekeepers)
  • Get blog­ging to work for you
  • Con­tribute to a new online etiquette
  • Get real
  • Take the nat­ur­al reac­tions of the human brain into account when cre­at­ing interfaces
  • Beau­ty isn’t just on the out­side, but also on the inside
I might go into some of these points in more detail lat­er on.

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Reboot buzz

So, Reboot 7.0 has come and gone. I’m sit­ting here, just got back to my hotel from the after­par­ty at Vega. Sup­pos­ed­ly the hottest club in Copen­hagen. Lone­ly Plan­et was right about the amount of obscene­ly good look­ing and well dressed peo­ple present. Good times.

Before I go to sleep just a thought about how to incor­po­rate at least parts of what I’ve seen and heard these two days into my dai­ly prac­tice as a design­er. Peo­ple like Jason Fried and Matt Webb real­ly push me to become a bet­ter pro­fes­sion­al. We’ll see where it’ll go.

Also, had a lot of fun with two peo­ple from the friend­ly com­pe­ti­tion over at Rhi­nofly. Greet­ings to Nico­l­ine and Jur­gen!

Look­ing for­ward to see­ing you again, Netherlands…

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What is mobile life really about? — Christian Lindholm

Great moment at Reboot: Chris­t­ian Lind­holm of Nokia asks every­one who owns an iPod to stand up. More than half of the audi­ence rise. Then he asks every­one to take the iPod out of their pock­et. Two peo­ple do. 

If you’re not in the pock­et, you’re not mobile.”
If it’s not in the pock­et, it’s not mobile.”
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Reboot 7 1st impressions

Right. So, the first half day of Reboot has passed. Some first impressions: 

  • The venue is pret­ty cool. It’s an old glass fac­to­ry on the out­skirts of Copen­hagen. Refit­ted as a sports facility.
  • Excel­lent sand­wich­es for lunch (and excel­lent serving)
  • Blog, blog, blog­blog­blog; Reboot is pret­ty heavy on the blog­ging scene
  • Did we men­tion blogging? ;-)
  • The hotel room reminds us of either a for­mer Russ­ian sub­ma­rine, or a cab­in at the Star­ship Enterprise
  • Two kinds of peo­ple at this con­fer­ence: those with and those with­out a lap­top (or blog)
More to come!

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