Reboot buzz

So, Reboot 7.0 has come and gone. I’m sit­ting here, just got back to my hotel from the after­par­ty at Vega. Sup­pos­ed­ly the hottest club in Copen­hagen. Lone­ly Plan­et was right about the amount of obscene­ly good look­ing and well dressed peo­ple present. Good times.

Before I go to sleep just a thought about how to incor­po­rate at least parts of what I’ve seen and heard these two days into my dai­ly prac­tice as a design­er. Peo­ple like Jason Fried and Matt Webb real­ly push me to become a bet­ter pro­fes­sion­al. We’ll see where it’ll go.

Also, had a lot of fun with two peo­ple from the friend­ly com­pe­ti­tion over at Rhi­nofly. Greet­ings to Nico­l­ine and Jur­gen!

Look­ing for­ward to see­ing you again, Netherlands…

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Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.

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