
A few quick notes:

Flock is a new ‘social’ brows­er that is sup­posed to play nice with all kinds of cool ser­vices such as Flickr and (Via Peter.)

Pock­et­Mod is a great Flash tool allow­ing you to cre­ate your own cus­tom paper organ­is­er on one A4. My Mole­sk­ine cahiers final­ly have some com­pe­ti­tion! (Via Bart.)

Ben Ham­mer­s­ley has a new web site. Sup­pos­ed­ly he’s also cut his hair. Luck­i­ly he’s still wear­ing his kilt, writ­ing books and talk­ing about blog­ging, pod­cast­ing and all that social soft­ware jazz. (Via Tom Coates.)

iTunes 5 dumpt Brushed Metal

Voor Mac insid­ers only — een hilar­isch stuk op Dar­ing Fire­ball over Apple’s keuze voor wéér een andere look voor hun nieuw­ste ver­sie van iTunes. 

Brushed Met­al: Cal­cu­la­tor? I’m out of iTunes and you tell me I’ve still got Cal­cu­la­tor? When is the Spe­cial Event sched­uled for the next ver­sion of Cal­cu­la­tor? Oh, that’s right, there is none, because no one gives a shit about Calculator.”
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Comment spam hits Leapfroglog

It had to hap­pen soon­er or lat­er: com­ment spam­mers have found their way to this blog. The last post was hit with four com­ments adver­tis­ing all kinds of non­sense. I’ve delet­ed them, and am forced to turn on Blog­gers word ver­i­fi­ca­tion fea­ture. Now you’ll have to go through one more step when post­ing a com­ment. Hope­ful­ly it won’t put you off com­ment­ing here too much.

Damn spam­mers.

Chris Heathcote @ Design Engaged 2005

Chris Heath­cote will be at Design Engaged 2005 in Berlin. I saw his excel­lent talk on tan­gi­ble com­put­ing at Reboot 7. His being in Berlin this year is rea­son enough to go. The rest of the line up looks good too. 

In Novem­ber, I’ll be at the Design Engaged con­fer­ence, prob­a­bly talk­ing about per­son­al­i­sa­tion, craft and pro-am
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Indonesia 2005

Tana Tora­ja Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Kaeru.

All the pho­tos I’ve tak­en while on vaca­tion in Indone­sia are now up. The last batch main­ly con­sists of shots tak­en in Sulawe­si; Tana Tora­ja and Pulau Bunaken.

IBM aan de UX

IBM said today it will launch a new ser­vice that allows com­pa­nies to tap into IBM’s award-win­ning prod­uct design and usabil­i­ty exper­tise, cre­at­ing break­through prod­ucts for oth­er com­pa­nies that offer more impact and user sat­is­fac­tion in every­thing from con­sumer elec­tron­ics to med­ical devices, like those that trans­mit data from pulse rate, heart rate and glu­cose lev­el mon­i­tors over cel­lu­lar net­works. With this new ser­vice, IBM design experts will con­sult direct­ly with clients who want deep insight into how their con­sumers or busi­ness cus­tomers might inter­act with future prod­ucts or ser­vices. IBM experts will also assist com­pa­nies with the build­ing blocks need­ed to move from design con­cepts to actu­al offerings.

IBM gaat aan de User Expe­ri­ence Design dus. Op ver­schil­lende blogs wordt al aangegeven dat ze in de States hier­mee direct con­cur­eren met toko’s als Frog en IDEO.

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New photos

Bro­mo Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Kaeru.

Well, we got around to select­ing some more shots. I’ve uploaded plen­ty of new pho­tos tak­en at Bro­mo, as well as on Bali and Lombok. 

This shot of sun­rise over Bro­mo will take you to the first new one in the set.