
A few quick notes:

Flock is a new ‘social’ brows­er that is sup­posed to play nice with all kinds of cool ser­vices such as Flickr and (Via Peter.)

Pock­et­Mod is a great Flash tool allow­ing you to cre­ate your own cus­tom paper organ­is­er on one A4. My Mole­sk­ine cahiers final­ly have some com­pe­ti­tion! (Via Bart.)

Ben Ham­mer­s­ley has a new web site. Sup­pos­ed­ly he’s also cut his hair. Luck­i­ly he’s still wear­ing his kilt, writ­ing books and talk­ing about blog­ging, pod­cast­ing and all that social soft­ware jazz. (Via Tom Coates.)