Time is short (as seems mostly the case these days) so a quick rundown of what happened this week:
- Opened registration for This happened – Utrecht #7 and ‘sold out’ in 8 minutes.
- Joined my group of students on a field research trip to the island of Pampus.
- Worked with the PLAY Pilots website team and Zesbaans to make the online/offline coupling with De Stereoscoop a reality.
- Kicked off the third PLAY pilot with Monobanda and the people behind Le Guess Who?
- Attended Virtueel Platform’s HOT100 at PICNIC ’10 as an ‘expert’ on games.
- Paper prototyped a new version of the project Maguro game with Niki and Mathijs of Monobanda.
- In a few hours, we’ll be celebrating the launch of De Stereoscoop at the entrance of the Netherlands Film Festival pavilion (which I can actually see from the studio window).
A promise a bit more reflection on next week’s events.