There is a fun­da­men­tal­ist belief by cap­i­tal­ists that cap­i­tal will save the world, and it just isn’t so. Not because of what Marx said about the con­tra­dic­tions of cap­i­tal­ism, because, as I dis­cov­ered, cap­i­tal is an end in itself and no more.

Occu­py was right: cap­i­tal­ism has failed the world | Books | The Observer

So I came across the book by Piket­ty on cap­i­tal­ism and was blown away. It appears he’s deliv­ered con­clu­sive proof that under cap­i­tal­ism the rich do indeed keep get­ting richer…

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.