Hard gam­i­fi­ca­tion (the Nor­mal kind) takes an activ­i­ty-sit­u­a­tion or struc­ture of some sort and strat­i­fies it, sup­pos­ed­ly mak­ing it sup­pos­ed­ly more ‘game-like’, but real­ly just more goal-direct­ed, met­ric, capa­ble of being eval­u­at­ed in terms of opti­mum behav­iors (“address­ing our prob­lems”). Soft gam­i­fi­ca­tion solves no quan­tifi­able prob­lems; instead, it pos­es ques­tions. It mere­ly takes an activity/situation, and ADDS DEGREES OF FREEDOM such that it is more mal­leable (more PLAYED, more of a game).

wombflash for­est: Notes On Eric Zimmerman’s “Man­i­festo for a Ludic Century”

Read this a while back. Still great. High­light­ing this idea because I think there’s a lot here.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.