“several factors suggest that the impulse to make life as exciting as a game is not without a certain naivety” A discussion of a curious pervasive game with some good insight into the issues surrounding everyday reality with games.
“subtracting an hour from the life of another human being isn’t to be taken lightly. It’s almost violent. It’s certainly invasive. Shared calendars are vessels you fill by taking things away from other people” Having to combine being an entrepeneur with being a designer, making sure enough time is available for creative cycles is a real challenge.
‘De mondiale crisis dicteert ons onze levenswandel. We moeten ons leven daadwerkelijk veranderen, nieuwe levensvormen ontwikkelen, deelnemen aan ecologische en economische zelfhulpprogramma’s. We kunnen niet anders dan “doen”. Of het ons nu bevalt of niet, dat speelt geen rol meer.’ An interesting interview with philosopher Peter Sloterdijk on the social effects of the global crisis. I certainly identify with the feeling of impending doom urging one to pragmatic action, or practice as Sloterdijk calls it.
“The Evaporative Cooling Effect … occurs when the most high value contributors to a community realize that the community is no longer serving their needs any more and so therefore, leave.” Interesting observation. I recognise the behaviour from my own experiences. It is something I think we have instinctively managed to avert for This happened — Utrecht using several mechanisms. But in other cases I might need to pay special attention not to fall in its trap.