It’s the end of week 158 and I am sat at a table in what will soon be the new Dutch Game Garden. On the fourth floor builders are putting final touches to the studio FourceLabs and Hubbub will be sharing. I am on the first floor, with a gorgeous view of the Neude square which is the scene of much summery activity. The city as theatre.
This week has been mainly about project Ebi. We kicked off a second iteration, after wrapping up basic functionality in iteration 0, this one is about adding the game specific stuff. Most of our energies so far have gone into designing a good ruleset. We had a breakthrough on wednesday and reconvened today to formalize those ideas, and fill in the blanks. We now have enough material to push forward on design, copy and engineering. It’s that stage of that project where the shape of things starts to become clear and you can’t wait for it to materialize so that you can touch it, use it, play with it.
In a short while I’ll be strolling through the centre of Utrecht to the current and soon to be old Dutch Game Garden, for a farewell party. We’ve had plenty of good times in Drieharingstraat 6, let’s give the old building one more bash.