links for 2010-05-07

  • “Home­sense will bring the open col­lab­o­ra­tion meth­ods of online com­mu­ni­ties to phys­i­cal infra­struc­tures in the home. Over the course of sev­er­al months, select­ed house­holds across Europe (UK, France and Italy ini­tial­ly) will have access to the lat­est in open source hard­ware and soft­ware tools, decide what they want to do with them in the con­text of their home and share the results with the world.” Real­ly proud of Tin­ker for get­ting this off the ground. Can’t wait to see what comes of it.
  • PLAY is a short film […] cre­at­ed with film­mak­er David Kaplan. The 18-minute film takes place in a future where the lines between games and real­i­ty have become blurred[. It] unfolds as a series of videogames, nest­ed inside each oth­er like a set of Russ­ian Dolls.” Can’t wait for this to appear online.
  • “BackChat­ter is a game about pre­dict­ing Twit­ter trends. […] Each round, you pick three words that you think will be pop­u­lar in tweets about the con­fer­ence dur­ing the next game round. You send in your votes with a direct mes­sage to the game con­sist­ing of the three words you want to pick.” A clever social game run­ning on top of Twit­ter. I like how it plays with the some­times annoy­ing behav­ior on Twit­ter dur­ing con­fer­ences, of peo­ple just name­drop­ping stuff or tweet­ing things verbatim.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.