Website of “a pervasive surveillance project”. “Imagine that you are walking down the street when you hear a beep from your phone. You see a message reading: “You were in a flower shop and spent 30 minutes in the park; are you in love?”” Intriguing, i
“Buy more shiny nokia phones, or something. It’s like living in the future.” Heathcote admits to loving his new Nokia E70, sort of.
Quite a thorough look at ways to elaborate on personas in order to make them more useful for use when designing more information-driven consumer-facing websites. Includes a link to a useful toolkit.
Post by Identity Crisis author Jim Harper on how fake ideas allow Sunni to safely travel through hostile territory controlled by Shiite. It puts the whole online federated identity debate into perspective.
Webb contemplates ancient British burrows and their implications for the concept of ownership.
Cooper explains how personas came to be: “The problem is that while logic is a powerful and effective programming tool, it is a pathetically weak and inappropriate interaction design tool.”
This is an excellent piece on the parallels between the evolution of online games and the practice of information architecture. There’s a lot to contemplate here, among those the impact of open standards on the formation of online communities.