Trying out new web apps

I’m giv­ing Rojo a spin right now.

I trans­fered all my feeds from Blog­lines yes­ter­day and, after an ini­tial feel­ing that the app was bloat­ed, I must say I quite like it. The tag­ging is well-imple­ment­ed, and for some rea­son I feel I can scan my new sto­ries much faster here than in Blog­lines. The only glar­ing ommis­sion is a notifier!

I’ve also signed up for 30 Box­es, and have been play­ing with the real­ly cool nat­ur­al lan­guage event input sys­tem. Once you get used to the forced AM / PM syn­tax, it’s quite nice. The only thing I’m miss­ing here is a way to import an iCal export (.ics).

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Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.