As Dave Win­er not­ed, Medi­um does con­tent cat­e­go­riza­tion upside down: “Instead of adding a cat­e­go­ry to a post, you add a post to a cat­e­go­ry.” He means col­lec­tion in Medi­um-speak, but you get the idea: Top­ic tri­umphs over author. Medi­um doesn’t want you to read some­thing because of who wrote it; Medi­um wants you to read some­thing because of what it’s about. And because of the implic­it promise that Medi­um = quality.

13 ways of look­ing at Medi­um, the new blogging/sharing/discovery plat­form from @ev and Obvi­ous » Nie­man Jour­nal­ism Lab

Blog­ging for its rel­e­vance to project SAKE, where I am also strug­gling with find­ing alter­na­tive orga­ni­za­tion­al schemes for con­tri­bu­tions from play­ers. A stream metaphor seems wrong. Also, we real­ly want to incen­tivize qual­i­ty over quan­ti­ty (or fre­quen­cy) of posts. Medi­um might have got­ten a few things right, there.

If the dogs no longer guard­ed the sheep, he observes, they would be tak­en by the wolves (again, at once the clos­est ances­tors and the fiercest ene­mies of the dogs). “In deny­ing us the bones,” the dogs protest, “you will lose them along with the meat.” We, in oth­er words, eat the beasts of the field togeth­er, and it is this arrange­ment that keeps us alive, and that gives shape and mean­ing to the pro­noun in the first-per­son plural.

Ecce Can­is — Justin Erik Halldór Smith

Fan­tas­tic arti­cle on the coevo­lu­tion of dogs and humans, and its philo­soph­i­cal implications.

schiz­o­phre­nia did not rise in preva­lence until the lat­ter half of the 18th cen­tu­ry, when for the first time peo­ple in Paris and Lon­don start­ed keep­ing cats as pets. The so-called cat craze began among “poets and left-wing avant-garde Green­wich Vil­lage types,” says Tor­rey, but the trend spread rapidly—and coin­cid­ing with that devel­op­ment, the inci­dence of schiz­o­phre­nia soared
… in the hyper­so­cial atmos­phere of Face­book, it is enough to just make noise to fake a per­sona. No actu­al inter­ac­tion is required. And there is so much noise that the loss of one voice means noth­ing — there are a bil­lion oth­ers ready to step up to join the cho­rus of social cacoph­o­nia. … I don’t think it’s real­ly con­tact … just reflec­tions from ran­dom angled surfaces.

But­tUg­ly: Main_blogentry_050712_1

I’ve made sim­i­lar attempts at ditch­ing Face­book in the past and had sim­i­lar experiences.

They’re going for a mas­tery of tech­nique, then a mas­tery over all the impor­tant details of ser­vice,” Free­man said. “It adds up to an incred­i­bly elu­sive expe­ri­ence. It’s hard to man­u­fac­ture splen­did­ness. It seems as though they have some­thing very dif­fi­cult fig­ured out.

Japan’s Pour-Over Cof­fee Wins Con­verts —

The Japan­ese ded­i­ca­tion to details nev­er seizes to amaze me.

A game is some­thing that we play. A videogame is a dig­i­tal play­space. This is the shape of games to come. To impose stricter def­i­n­i­tions will only serve to sti­fle cre­ativ­i­ty and unnec­es­sar­i­ly cel­e­brate past trends in favor of present and future pos­si­bil­i­ties— this is already happening.

Wombflash For­est

If these pro­posed def­i­n­i­tions are so broad as to include every­thing, and now every­thing is thus a game, then let’s play everything!


If we’re going to admit sys­tems of rank­ing into our games, to con­struct goals, their design should come from an inti­ma­cy with the mate­ri­als of the play­space as a freely-played space, mean­ing one explored through our own self-direct­ed (and con­stant­ly dis­solv­ing?) goals; these goals should invite us to play with process­es that direct us toward and help real­ize our vision of inner utopia.