As Dave Win­er not­ed, Medi­um does con­tent cat­e­go­riza­tion upside down: “Instead of adding a cat­e­go­ry to a post, you add a post to a cat­e­go­ry.” He means col­lec­tion in Medi­um-speak, but you get the idea: Top­ic tri­umphs over author. Medi­um doesn’t want you to read some­thing because of who wrote it; Medi­um wants you to read some­thing because of what it’s about. And because of the implic­it promise that Medi­um = quality.

13 ways of look­ing at Medi­um, the new blogging/sharing/discovery plat­form from @ev and Obvi­ous » Nie­man Jour­nal­ism Lab

Blog­ging for its rel­e­vance to project SAKE, where I am also strug­gling with find­ing alter­na­tive orga­ni­za­tion­al schemes for con­tri­bu­tions from play­ers. A stream metaphor seems wrong. Also, we real­ly want to incen­tivize qual­i­ty over quan­ti­ty (or fre­quen­cy) of posts. Medi­um might have got­ten a few things right, there.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.