I was standing on the shoulders of giants for this one. Here’s a (probably incomplete) list of sources I referenced throughout the talk.
- Eric Zimmerman. Manifesto: The 21st Century Will Be Defined By Games.
- Ian Bogost. Persuasive Games.
- Raph Koster. A Theory of Fun.
- Daniel Cook. The Chemistry of Game Design.
- Katie Salen & Eric Zimmerman. Rules of Play.
- Miguel Sicart. Against Procedurality.
- Bernie DeKoven. The Well-Played Game.
- David Kanaga. Music & Games as Shifting Possibility Spaces.
- Paolo Pedercini. Making Games in a Fucked Up World.
- Frans Osinga. Science, Strategy and War: The Strategic Theory of John Boyd.
- Keith Johnstone. Impro.
All of these are highly recommended.
Update: the slides are now up on Speaker Deck.