Play is the unknown and the uncon­trol­lable, and by build­ing an ontol­ogy based on design­er-cen­tric rea­son, the pro­ce­du­ral­ists elim­i­nate the myth and the rit­u­al from play, and encour­age an instru­men­tal approach to games that is exclu­sive­ly guid­ed by the rules, norms and process­es embed­ded in the game system.

Game Stud­ies — Against Procedurality

Revis­it­ing Sicart on “the pro­ce­du­ral­ists” and quite enjoyed it. There are many seeds here for a form of “play­er-cen­tric” applied game design which allows for cre­ative, gen­er­a­tive play.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.