the game may well be able to last for 100 years, say, con­cep­tu­al­ly, but that doesn’t mean that that would be easy to put into prac­tice. Say I run it on my lap­top – well what about bat­tery life? Sys­tem updates? Pow­er out­ages? Hard­ware fail­ure? Soft­ware fail­ure? The num­ber of things that could dis­rupt the game before it even came close to end­ing is large. If you real­ly want­ed to see that game through you’d have to take prodi­gious steps to do so, essen­tial­ly treat­ing your com­put­er as a kind of archival object imme­di­ate­ly and so on. Very strange.

Pip­pin Barr. Blog.

I real­ly enjoyed Barr’s Dura­tion series of games for this rea­son and oth­ers. One of my favourites is about a slot machine, forc­ing you to wait—if I recall correctly—a decade before it stops. What’s good about this is that the act of wait­ing is already con­nect­ed to slot machines. By extend­ing that peri­od of wait­ing the futil­i­ty or at least silli­ness of it is highlighted.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.