The guide­lines would have strict­ly lim­it­ed which foods could be mar­ket­ed towards youth — exclud­ing even peanut but­ter — but would also have been, yet again, entire­ly vol­un­tary. Lob­by­ists for the food indus­try pushed back, argu­ing that the rules would “vir­tu­al­ly end all adver­tis­ing” towards those younger than 18. The reg­u­la­tions stalled in Con­gress, and were just last week “killed for good,” Har­ris says, with a sin­gle sen­tence in the 2014 omnibus spend­ing bill.

How Gatorade turned water into ‘the ene­my of per­for­mance’ | The Verge

It’s depress­ing to think that the end of adver­tis­ing for junk food would be an argu­ment against reg­u­la­tion. Isn’t that the whole point? (I know what the neolib­er­al argu­ment would be, but I real­ly don’t care.)

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.