Recess! posts collected

Recess! was a cor­re­spon­dence series with per­son­al rumi­na­tions on games, writ­ten by Niels, Alper and Kars between Feb­ru­ary and May, 2013.

  1. Pro­teus and nature
  2. Sec­ond Country
  3. Rit­u­als & Habits
  4. Glass
  5. In a world
  6. Less of a game
  7. Game Glut­tony
  8. Card­board Inspiration
  9. A pret­ty nice home
  10. Unti­tled
  11. Restate My Assump­tions
  12. Imme­di­ate response
  13. Game Design as a Nihilis­tic Endeavour

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.