Daniel Cook’s new studio shares some similarities with Hubbub. Both follow the contemporary film studio setup, with teams of free agents converging around projects.
I read these suggestions for ways to move beyond user centred design mainly as a cry for a shift from a dehumanised ‘objective’ stance to an involved, subjective one.
Niels zegt waar het op staat en heeft gelijk. Terug in je hok, Hirsch Ballin!
“The hot new literary form is the “living novel,” constantly being re-written in real-time. This is exciting in a lot of ways; it’s also frustrating. You read a section that moves you, and you want to share it with a friend—but by the time she gets to it, it’s gone, replaced by some weird passage about the history of beekeeping.” That has to be an Ilovebees reference. I am getting the creeping suspicion that this ebook thing might trigger a revival of interactive fiction as well as ARGish weirdness. Just a gut feeling.
“Many of them are missing the irony in Cow Clicker, says Bogost, and that scares him; instead, they “peacock about what features I might add or how I’ve missed opportunities for virality,” he says. “Those reactions fill me with sorrow and dread.”” I like Cow Clicker, I think making things to comment on stuff is good. I cannot believe people would take it at face value and not see the critical aspect of it.