“…we’re going to encounter a bunch of crappy sorta-games foisted on us. Those rudimentary game schemes are going to be rolled out by everyone with a rewards card, CRM system, loyalty scheme or something that can be plotted on a graph. And they’re going to be no fun.” I agree with Russell that the gamepocalypse runs the risk of being incredibly boring if people keep focusing on sticking a reward system on a mundane activities. At the core of any good game is an interesting activity, so we should be thinking about those, the many kinds of experiences people have and how those can be turned into games. Rewards are nothing more than feedback, and feedback can take on many forms, so let’s see if we can come up with things other than a score or a badge, shall we?
“If you’re running a city, though, there’s stuff here you probably ought to be paying attention to. The message is that in the long run you’re clearly better off underwriting a vibrant ecosystem of [coworking spaces] than shelling out one tax break after another in the hopes of enticing (or retaining) corporate headquarters.” However much I am a fan of coworking, it does not work well for many creative activities which require a proper studio space where one can physically engage with materials.
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