My friends in Malmö will have one of their installations placed permanently in Dale: “Telemegaphone Dale is a seven-metres tall loudspeaker sculpture on top of the Jøtulshaugen mountain overlooking the idyllic Dalsfjord in Western Norway. Anyone can dial +47 90 369389 and have the sound of their voice projected out across the fjord, the valley and the village of Dale.” How awesome is that?
Nicolas finds a book on designing responsive environments. From 1985. From reading his notes it seems that, back then, someone decided to write the book we’d need in the future.
FlashBrighton: Processing.js with Brendan Dawes at The Werks (Tuesday August 18, 2009) — Upcoming“He reached for his loaded AS3. It felt cool and heavy in his hand, reassuring, but the iPhones were freebasing on C, real strong shit. How was he gonna keep pace?” Possibly the coolest intro to a tech event I have ever seen. If I were close to Hove, I would be there in a, um, Flash.