links for 2009-04-29

  • A brief dis­cus­sion of a lec­ture philoso­pher Henk Oost­er­ling recent­ly gave at Prem­sela con­cern­ing the ques­tion of design as sav­iour of the world. The lec­ture in full (and in Eng­lish) is avail­able as well, I intend to read it soon. Judg­ing from this arti­cle Oost­er­ling makes the case for rela­tion­al design (which I can­not help but read as inter­ac­tion design). Some­thing that acts local­ly, inter­me­di­ates, blurs tra­di­tion­al bound­aries between art, media and design and above all is con­cerned with the val­ues held by the peo­ple for whom a design­er cre­ates (not with the val­ues of the mar­ket, or of the artist him­self). (In Dutch.)

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.