Jalan Jalan — 3 weeks of travel

Hav­ing suc­cess­ful­ly fin­ished the last of my client work by the end of the week, it is now time to start pack­ing. I’ll be vaca­tion­ing in Asia for the next three weeks and will be back on April 7.

Those that fol­low me on Dopplr will already have an idea of my itin­er­ary: Hong Kong, Java (Jakar­ta and Surabaya), Bali and prob­a­bly Flo­res and Komo­do. Kali­man­tan has sad­ly proven to be a bit too hard to get to on a budget.

This’ll be my third vis­it to Indone­sia and as always I’m look­ing for­ward to it—what’s not to love about a coun­try filled with friend­ly peo­ple, rich cul­ture and awe­some food? 

I’m also plan­ning to do quite a bit of this:

Pulau Bunaken

If you’d like to keep in touch, your best bets are my Twit­ter and Jaiku streams (and pos­si­bly Flickr for the occa­sion­al mobile snapshot).

Nor­mal blog­ging ser­vice will resume when I return. See you on the oth­er side!

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Designer turned design researcher. Postdoc at TU Delft. Exploring contestable AI.