links for 2007-11-03

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Designer turned design researcher. Postdoc at TU Delft. Exploring contestable AI.

2 thoughts on “links for 2007-11-03”

  1. Good to see some­one else agree­ing that Bioshock was­n’t that great ;-) And even in the nar­ra­tive are­na, I pre­fer the log­i­cal, make-sense approach offered by Half Life 2 Episode 2 to the Doom 3/FEAR style “observe by lis­ten­ing to things peo­ple record­ed onto diaries that no one in their right mind would record onto a diary and even if they did would­n’t leave it lying around the city aban­doned” method. Even Metroid Prime 3 has more to offer in the realm of nar­ra­tion, despite not being writ­ten as well.

  2. The inter­est­ing thing here is that Ken Levine him­self seems to have a good idea of what kind of in-game sto­ry­telling works. He said some very sen­si­ble things in an inter­view with Rock, Paper, Shot­gun a while back:

    […] I’ve been there. I’ve been in the film indus­try, so I don’t have this desire to make min­i­mum movies because I’ve been for­tu­nate to work in that indus­try. I take games for what they are. I want to make great games. I don’t have a sec­ond career I’m try­ing to expe­ri­ence. I’m try­ing to make a videogame, which allows me to con­cen­trate on the sto­ry­telling capac­i­ty of videogames, not just aping anoth­er medium.”


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