Today I sent in the slides of my Euro IA Summit presentation for the proceedings. The rough outline of my talk is done, the most important thing now is to find the proper examples to illustrate all the fuzzy theoretical thinking. That means (at least for me) doing a lot of Flickr photo searches. This time I’ll also be experimenting with using some short video-clips. Games are better seen in motion after all (and best experienced through play of course). Chronicling my thinking on the subject of playful IAs on this blog has been very helpful in organising my thoughts by the way, I’ll definitely try it again the next time I need to do a talk.
On mental models
One idea I managed to squeeze into the presentation in addition to the stuff I’ve been blogging about so far is about mental models. I think it was Ben Cerveny who mentioned in his Reboot 7.0 talk (MP3) that some of the pleasure of playing games is derived from the gradual mental model building a player goes through. The player uses the visual layer of a game to learn about the underlying structures. When a player masters a game, the visual layer more or less fades away and becomes a symbolic landscape through which he manipulates a far richer model of the game in his mind.
From a UX perspective because usually when designing web sites and apps we try to adhere to existing mental models as much as possible to prevent confusion and frustration. This is a very valid approach of course. However, regardless of how well done the UX design, there will always be some mental modelling on the user’s part. Best make this as engaging as possible I guess. This, again, is where games come in.
Will Wright acknowledges the fact that players build models of a game but he proposes to take it one step further. In an old(ish) talk at Accelerating Change 2004 he proposed the idea that a game can construct a model of the player as well. Parallels with online recommendation engines are apparent here. As Wright points out, in games (as in web environments) everything can be measured. This way, the experience can be tailored to a player/user. He’s applying this principle in the upcoming Spore, where game content (created by other players) is dynamically included based on inferred player preferences.
It can be argued that certain web professionals are way ahead of the games industry in this field. Perhaps there are some interesting opportunities for collaboration or career moves here?
We’re definitely way ahead of the games industry in regard to “Web 2.0” style social thinking. Concepts as straightforward as tagging haven’t even really been taken advantage of yet. I’m excited about LittleBigPlanet and Spore because these are the two “revolutionary” content models that reflect elements of design I’m very familiar with. Certainly Spore’s “massively singleplayer” approach is very interesting; I’d like to take some elements from Spore, such as procedural content, and see how those could work in the web space. The games industry has always acted a bit traditional compared to web but that’s probably because game developers create software that is published once and infrequently changed after launch, whereas we have to deal with the consequences (and advantages) of shipping things that need to be tweaked eternally afterwards. Game developers also have a hard time communicating directly with their audience; you can’t solicit feedback directly from the player within your game and I think it’s something someone ought to start getting around to doing. Spore does this in its gameplay by allowing you to manipulate the universe, but that’s not really a lesson from the web, it’s a lesson from the Sims.
I’m not very good at summarising thoughts like this in phrases like “mental models” but I like the way you’re thinking. Do you think you could make a copy of the presentation available here? I’d love to take a look at it.
Procedural generation is one of the aspects of Spore that I find very interesting as well. It would be an interesting experiment to see how that technique can be applied to web spaces…
I agree the majority of the games industry is quite conservative when it comes to actively involving players as co-producers. Most of the examples out there are quite limited.
I will be publishing the presentation slides (including notes) and hopefully a recording on this blog after the summit. I’ll be very interested to hear your comments.