The Tarquin Engine is a tool for the creation and delivery of zooming infinite canvas webcomics. Might come in handy when delivering conceptual comics.
Awesome little indie game: “Kumoon is a hybrid of a third person shooter and a puzzle game. Player controls a chick that tries to knock down boxes in various rooms by shooting them with a revolver, shotgun or a bazooka.”
Interesting thoughts on the value of sketching in the design process. I liked the comparison of sketches to prototypes most.
A thorough analysis of the problems Facebook ran into when introducing a new feature a while ago. It seems they still haven’t learnt though, ’cause I read something on a new user revolt recently.
Nice little interview giving some insights on how Cheng uses comics at Yahoo! Includes some useful links to resources for comics creators.
Interesting presentation from Nova on the directions mobile entertainment is headed.
Shirky’s thoughtful reply to the much derided book Cult of the Amateur.
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