Aram Bartholl has people walkign around the city with WoW style name bubbles above their heads. The result is weird, but not as effective as I’d expected. He should’ve dressed the people carying the poles Kuroko style.
Boyd thinks the next wave on the web will be locative stuff. The web becoming more and more connected to the physical reality.
Julian Bleecker writes about his über cool device that records time, motion and touch in a slowed down manner. He calls them Flavonoids. He’s going to make weird mobile games with them.
Cool ideas by Bleecker on where we could take mobile gaming — moving into everyday life, on the go.
Shirky on the Second Life hype: “If most of the people who try Second Life bail (and they do), we should adopt a considerably more skeptical attitude about proclamations that the oft-delayed Virtual Worlds revolution has now arrived.”
Useful post by Joshua Porter on the mechanics behind the success of del.icio.us’s tagging: “don’t try and make [tagging] the primary thing to do. Instead, make sure personal value preceeds network value. Then you’ll have plenty to aggregate.”
Another piece on lack of standards in mobile gaming. This really needs to be addressed before the industry can take outside of Asia.
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