links for 2007-03-12

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Designer turned design researcher. Postdoc at TU Delft. Exploring contestable AI.

4 thoughts on “links for 2007-03-12”

  1. Nice to see a post about this, I for­got one oth­er game relat­ed thing that u may find inter­est­ing. To say the least: it’s pret­ty unique (at least for a con­sole title). It’s called Lit­tle Big Plan­et. I won’t say any­thing more about it. There are oth­er videos of it, but this one worked the best for me (I watched anoth­er movie first and could not under­stand why peo­ple would be excit­ed about the game).


  2. Awe­some stuff Jac­co. I wish I had attend­ed GDC, so many cool demo’s are float­ing around the ‘net now!

    Some of this stuff real­ly deserves some more atten­tion around these parts, I’ll see if I can whip up a prop­er post…

    By the way — how do you like your monster? ;-)

  3. I’m not sure.. it’s too cute for me! (just kid­ding). Where did u get those sweet icons?

    A bit more seri­ous.. i wished i had been there too, unfor­tu­nate­ly the pric­ing is a bit too steep for me. By the way i did watch the entire pre­sen­ta­tion of peter lat­er last night… hop­ing i missed out some inter­est­ing stuff ear­li­er. I down­loaded it from ign, it’s about 30 min­utes, includ­ing the talk about the dog and the city. Some ques­tions were inter­est­ing to hear, one of them was about kids… Since you can have kids in the game, 2 things were espe­cial­ly inter­est­ing: preg­nan­cy, since u can play a female, your own game char­ac­ter will be preg­nant and there­by not real­ly be in per­fect con­di­tion to go out and adven­ture, the sec­ond thing was a ques­tion from the audi­ence: “if there were quests with your kids”, there seem to be, but peter said imme­di­ate­ly that it was a bit restrict­ed in this way, because for some rea­son u can’t have kids that are extreme­ly vio­lent in games ;)

  4. I’m going to check out the whole pre­sen­ta­tion soon, thanks for the heads. Up, this BBC News arti­cle briefly men­tions the fam­i­ly aspect of the game too.

    The icons are gen­er­at­ed on the fly based on your email address. So that’s your own unique Leapfroglog Mon­sterID. For more info check out this post.

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