2 thoughts on “Off to Italy”

  1. Watch out for trucks on the autostrada!

    My par­ents were “stuck” on the front of a truck that rammed into their car on an autostra­da near Flo­rence yes­ter­day. Luck­i­ly there were com­plete­ly unharmed and can even still dri­ve the car! The truck dri­ver was Eng­lish I believe (and so was the truck) so don’t blame the Italians. ;-)

  2. Nice! If you can, try to vis­it Bologna, I found it pret­ti­er then the oth­er cities (but that could be because I vis­it­ed them a few times before). It’s got the most medieval build­ings left, com­pared to oth­er styles, very impres­sive and cute.

    And it’s one of the biggest stu­dent cities as well, so lots of bars and young inter­est­ing intel­li­gent humans ;)

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