Reboot 8.0 photos are up

I spend the morn­ing going through my pho­tos of Reboot 8.0. I had near 800 of them, so that was quite the exer­cise. Now there’s 147 in a set over at my Flickr account. It was nice to relive the whole expe­ri­ence while going through the shots, made me real­ize I saw and did a hell of a lot in two days. No won­der I was so tired when I got home.

Here’s my favorite shot of the set, apt­ly sum­ma­riz­ing the theme of this year’s event, “renais­sance?” with Ben Ham­mer­s­ley danc­ing around the stage flanked by Mona Lisa and a bat­tered PowerBook.

Ben Hammersley dancing around the stage flanked by Mona Lisa and a battered PowerBook

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.

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