links for 2009-06-05

  • “Right “now” (ear­ly June in 1666) the Eng­lish and Dutch are half-way through the Four Days Bat­tle at sea and so we get to read updates in “real time” as Pepys hears them. The first day he didn’t even men­tion what was going on. Yes­ter­day he was busy help­ing the war effort” A diary of a famous Eng­lish­man is being tweet­ed more or less in sync with “our” time. What a won­der­ful idea.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.

2 thoughts on “links for 2009-06-05”

  1. Wat een geweldig idee. Ik vraag me ineens af of ik vooroud­ers heb die dag­boeken bij hebben gehouden…

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