And, as had hap­pened so many times before dur­ing the design of Zen­do, once I’d final­ly opened myself up to an idea I’d resist­ed for so long, I real­ized that my pre­vi­ous fears about it were total­ly unfounded.

Zendo—Design His­to­ry | Vagabond Gamer

A short quote from a long (and excel­lent) read on the design of Zen­do which is full of these moments. It’s a great case study show­ing the impor­tance of being will­ing to try almost any adjust­ment to a game. To post­pone judge­ment until you’ve actu­al­ly seen a rule in action. Because humans tend to be very bad at sim­u­lat­ing such things in their heads.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.