And it occurred to me then that fun is only fun when it’s stu­pid. That there is no joy with­out stu­pid­i­ty, with­out aban­don, with­out judg­ment – that music is best enjoyed in this stu­pid way, in a stu­pid place like this, with peo­ple you love hold­ing stu­pid tam­bourines and play­ing with strangers amid strangers, who are danc­ing around to a song about space­ship-peo­ple build­ing munic­i­pal­i­ties with­out per­mits or city plan­ners but with pop songs.

Dave Eggers: what’s so fun­ny about peace, love and Star­ship? | Books | The Guardian

I real­ly did not like how this piece start­ed out, I thought Eggers was being an apol­o­gist for state-spon­sored gam­bling, which to be hon­est I real­ly dis­like. But once you get past this, he suc­ceeds won­der­ful­ly in con­vey­ing the joy of a par­tic­u­lar­ly sil­ly night out.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.